
Monday, August 10, 2009

Update on Clear Lake Fishing Trip! Pics!

Here are some pics of the fishing trip we took to Clear Lake! I'm fully recovered from all sunburns! YAY!!!! lol

BEAUTIFUL Landscape! SO relaxing there!! Gorgeous weather!

Dad got some pics of Warren, Johnny and I fishing off our boat. It was a little bit crowded and that caused some pretty stressed times what with the boat rocking and whatnot, but we made it work. :)

John John with one of the many fish he caught!

Warren enjoying a snack. :) Caught in the act of eating!

This was a WEIRD fish John caught! Nasty!! Still don't know what was up with it....Just deformed I guess I thought maybe pregnant, I guess we'll never know. Of course we threw that thing back....

All the fish we four caught on our first day! Limited out in like 3 hours! 20 fish! You can tell which two people had been there for a week getting lots of sun.....and which two

My sweet mommy soakin up the sun in the raft! She was such a good sport! I'm glad she came!

Ok....this smoker was an absolute Biatch to put together! The freakin company didn't even give us all the parts we needed.....Stupid....Needles to say, after much head scratching and bickering Warren, John and I managed to put it together and Dad smoked these yummy pork ribs! DELICIOUS!!! And of course we smoked a lot of trout too! :) YUM!

Anywho! It was a fun trip! And I promised to get pics posted so there ya go!!!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Miss Jody said...

Oh got me..that makes me miss Oregon. It is sooooo beautiful there.when it's not raining though.

That fish looks like a piranna!!!
Never know! Weirder things happen ya know?! Like your neighbor murdering someone next to you!

Love that pic of warren eating ! How cute! He looked like he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar! Cute :) pic !!

AWW..I'm glad you had a great time! Wonderful pics!!